Series-5 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Contribution of the Service Sector to Economic Growth in India |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ravneet kaur || Dr.Parmod Kumar Aggarwal |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1003050109 ![]() |
Abstract: Service sector also known as tertiary sector is essential for economic growth in any economy including India. It has emerged as the biggest and fastest-growing sector in the global economy in the last two decades. This note makes a distinction between the share of a sector in national product and its contribution to growth in the static sense. Though the share of services sector in national product was less than that of agriculture till the first-half of 1980s, the contribution of services sector to growth, as defined in the note, has always been more than that of the other two sectors in India. Moreover, whereas the contribution of services sector to growth has been increasing throughout, that of the agricultural and the industrial sector has been decreasing, the former much more than the latter. Thus, in a static sense, Indian growth has always been services-led and, by the 2000s, services contributed two-thirds to aggregate growth
Keywords: Service Sector, Structural change and Economic Growth
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Microinsurance in Protecting the Poor |
Country | : | SOUTH AFRICA |
Authors | : | Kgabo Velmah Nzembela || Mr Last Mazambani |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1003051525 ![]() |
Abstract: Access to quality and affordable financial services and products perform an important role in reducing inequality and poverty. The South African Government has since 2004, embarked on an inclusive program of action aimed at addressing economic exclusion. South Africa's low-income segment has in the past been excluded from the financial markets and their products. Microinsurance is acknowledged as one of the mechanisms through which to reduce the vulnerability of the low-income segment because planning and insuring risk can assist in maintaining financial confidence in the face of significant vulnerability. This research study sought to discover the factors influencing microinsurance penetration amongst low-income groups in South Africa. Qualitative, in-depth research enabled an understanding of the barriers through the eyes of the low-income market, as well as..........
Keywords: economic exclusion; low-income segment; microinsurance
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Abstract: In Kenya, most public secondary schools fund management systems have been coupled by a lot of challenges among them corruption, mismanagement, problems of denied secondary certificates due to arrears that are non-existent, and some parents accusing the schools of making fictitious fees balance claims. Therefore, this brings out the case of serious financial performance challenges in Kenyan public schools. As a result, the study sought to determine the effect of accounting practices on the financial performance of public high schools in Makueni County. The accounting practices investigated were: record keeping, internal control and budgeting.
The study was guided by three........
Keywords: Accounting Controls, Record Keeping, Internal Control, Budgeting, Financial Performance, Public High Schools.
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Abstract: The successful provision of basic banking products and services must not be devoid of an effective budget control system, if the organizational goals and objectives are to be achieved. A detailed review of past studies shows that they were carried out either on a different context or interrogated different conceptual issues. In addition, some of the past empirical studies focused on different research methodologies and adopted different data collection instruments. The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of budgetary control on financial performance of selected commercial banks in Kenya. The study specifically sought to establish the effect of budget planning,.......
Keywords: Budget Planning, Budget Implementation, Budget Control, Budget Review, Financial Performance.
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Abstract: After more than forty years of joining the European Union (EU Union) since 1973, he has left this link after approving the referendum with nearly 52% of the votes agreeing to leave the EU alliance on June 23, 2016. This result leads to complex economic and political changes in the UK and the world in general, and Vietnam is more or less affected by this change. Under Article 50 of the EU Law, he has 2 years to officially leave the coalition from the date of the official notice. Although the British government has not yet made an official announcement about leaving the EU after the results of the referendum, British political-economic situation has made changes that affect the global economy-politics. Although Vietnam has not suffered much from Brexit in the short term.....
Keywords: brexit, European Union, EU, international economy, Vietnam economy, world trade
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Status of Indian Banking Sector & Inclusive Finance |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Zakia Rizvi || Dr. Farhina Sardar Khan |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1003055160 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper brings forth a better understanding about Financial Inclusions with reference to India. Despite the fact that Indian economy had been Independent since long still a great section is especially the lower and weaker section of the society is unable to make use of the financial opportunities available in the economy. The Government of India and The Reserved Bank of India are sparing no efforts to remove such financial disparities and educate such unbanked people about the opportunities that have been made available to them. The aim of financial inclusion is to lead to inclusive growth and development and to improvise and stabilize the banking system so that the economy can benefit as a........
Keywords: Financial Inclusions, Inclusive Growth, Inclusive Strategies in India, Financial Literacy.
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Abstract: Utilizing the Asset management proposition of the CAMEL approach, the research examined the influence of Credit Risk management on performance of the Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria, utilizing secondary time series data over the period of 1998 to 2016. The study employed estimation techniques such as Unit root test, Autoregressive Distributive Lag, Bond Test and granger causality test. it was discovered that, management strategies via banks' ability to keep quality asset showed a positive and significant influence on return on equity of banking institutions followed by current value of loan to deposit ratio which showed a significant adverse/negative relationship with return on equity (ROE). Overall, a reasonable long run relationship is seen to exist between.....
Keywords: Credit Risk, Quality Assets, Non-Performing Loan, Liquidity Ratio, loan to Deposit Ratio. Note: This study encompasses the periods of financial liberation in the economy, adoption of the Basel accords. The study evaluation period follows the adoption of Universal Banking in Nigeria, commercial and merchant banks.
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the e-audit system at the BPK-RI Representative of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The sample in this study was obtained from 7 auditors who worked at the BPK-RI Representative of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The effectiveness of the e-audit system is measured by the answer to the questionnaire using the Guttman scale measurement.Research results show that the e-audit system implemented by BPK-RI Representatives of Southeast Sulawesi Province has been very effective. The results of the value obtained from the effectiveness formula is 88.23%.
Keywords: effectivity, e-audit system
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of government expenditure in education to the welfare of the people on the Lombok island, the effect of government spending in health for the welfare of people on the Lombok island and the effect of the investment on the welfare of people on the Lombok island and the effect of government spending in education, public expenditure in health and investment simultaneously to the welfare of the people on the Lombok island. The research was conducted on the Lombok island which consists of five districts / cities that have high........
Keywords: Government spending in education, government expenditures in health, investment, prosperity
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